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LLMs are forward thinkers, and that's a bit of a problem

· 12 min read
Ian Kelk
Developer Relations @ Hume AI

This is going to be a weird post. And we're going to start with a thought experiment about a shark and an octopus.

Some key points I'll address here are:
  • Human brains are able to invent ideas without relying on a strictly linear train of thought.
  • LLMs like ChatGPT are autoregressive and are unable to continue a dialogue if they haven't already generated everything up to that point. This is because they don't "think" per se, but progressively generate a response using the parts of the response they previously created.
  • If you try to get an LLM to write text in the middle of a dialogue without previous context, it will give near-identical answers and attempt to conclude the conversation.
  • Prompting for "ridiculous" answers can spark creativity that helps break this pattern.
  • The reliance on a linear train of thought is a limitation for general intelligence. LLMs are ineffective if you ask them to generate the second part of a response without allowing them to generate the first part.

As I mentioned, this is going to sound a bit silly, but I promise there is a point!